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Industry News

Explosion-proof blower have good prospects for the development of industrial areas

Time: 2014-08-20    Copyfrom: XieHengDa Electronic

With the continuous development of industry, the industrial production of which for car air convection cooling, whether mechanical or ventilation requirements are getting higher and higher energy-saving industry which also makes the more frequent use of explosion-proof fans. With the continuous development of industry, the industrial production of which for car air convection cooling, whether mechanical or ventilation requirements are getting higher and higher energy-saving industry which also makes the more frequent use of explosion-proof fans. Explosion-proof blower as one of the important products industry, the development of the situation to some extent, also represents the development trend of the mechanical industry. In the performance parameters proof blower, the more important is the gas flow rate, pressure, power, and speed of delivery of the impeller, etc. It is proof blower in the procurement business model should be noted. 

So how about the development prospects of this industry explosion-proof fan of it, there is another development in the area? 

First we introduce the development of the fundamental right, in today's marketplace, whether sales or production of explosion-proof fan manufacturers are more and more domestic and foreign products abound. And when we used to in the purchase of these products is more care about performance and price issues. But now, with the arrival of environmental trends for energy efficiency and environmental situation of people proof fans also have higher requirements, so the development of explosion-proof fan industry best guarantee in the mechanical properties of the premise itself can do better energy saving effect. 

Performance parameters Ex blower, the more important is the gas flow, pressure, power, efficiency and speed of transportation of the impeller, etc., which are all in the selection process must be of concern. Gas flow parameters in air compressor, represents the volume of the gas turbine unit time can handle, while the fan pressure is the pressure in the intermediate pressure turbine operation, the internal gas pressure. Pressure fan efficiency is the ratio of medium-pressure turbine shaft power and active power between the actual process gas. Currently, the total pressure efficiency centrifugal fan of about 90%, while in the future development of the centrifugal fan, the efficiency value will be one of the objectives pursued by the researchers further. 

Development in the industrial sector blower explosion Explosion-proof blower applications in the industrial sector should be the most widely used, especially in recent years with the development of the mine explosion blowers in the industrial sector, has made great progress. Today, with the development of industrial production, the pace of development the industry is also proof blower faster and faster, whether extended or enhance market space industry and technology, have made considerable progress. 

On a large number of industrial products from a number of e-commerce sites proof blower, the blower has now embarked explosion electricity supplier roads, this also means that the development of the blower industry has entered the era of electricity supplier. On the whole, the development of explosion-proof blower industry has good prospects, the development space is very broad, but the technology still needs to further enhance the industry, both in the traditional markets or electricity supplier market, should the industry with innovative technologies and services in order to obtain industry further development. 

Energy-saving high-pressure explosion-proof fan direction Secondly, on the outlook for both the current business development, especially the development of industrial production class industry is evident to all. So the outlook is very good, but in recent years, coupled with the large number of rising land prices inside the city makes a lot of places (such as supermarkets) are to go, and this is for many of these people have a good environment for air circulation is more demanding. Therefore, the industry outlook is proof fans do not be afraid of major or product innovation. Energy conservation is a focus of national five-year plan, it is the direction of our ho crown to develop, so that high pressure air is more energy efficient, more environmentally friendly is a full wind relentless pursuit.

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